For your ex to experience nostalgia about something, that something should be:
1. A positive experience
2. In the past
Can you see where I'm going with this?First of all, it doesn't matter if there were negative aspects in your relationship. They will eventually be forgotten. The positive moments, on the other hand, will be amplified.
Even more so, neutral events, or slightly negative experiences can be perceived as pleasant and good times. Remember your school, or university, first job, or even the army? I bet during those early days, you might not have liked it. But if you had a chance to go back in time for a week or two, wouldn't you agree to try it?
The second key component is that the thing should be in the past. This sounds like an obvious requirement, but it's not that straightforward when it comes to breakups. If you
remind your ex of yourself by texting, calling, or even by liking their photos on social media, your relationship won't truly be a thing of the past. It will be on the surface.
To ensure that the nostalgia will kick in, and will kick in swiftly, we have to give them the most potent signal we can imagine: silence. And here's what, based on my experience, will be unfolding in your ex's mind if you maintain silence: