If the power balance is completely destroyed (you’re providing 100%, and your partner gives you zero) or your partner has already cheated on you, we’ll need a strong and bold preemptive strike:
a breakup or a divorce followed by the ignoring strategy. Yes, not being afraid to break up is a good way to save a relationship (if you want to save such a relationship).
Do not be shocked. This is a time-tested solution. And the reinstatement of your relationship should only occur on your terms and under your conditions.
If you think you are not ready to take decisive measures now, you can continue your line of behavior or try different, less drastic solutions. We can only warn you that when your relationship is not balanced and your “partner” disrespects you, doesn’t love you, and commits the ultimate crime - cheats on you - the breakup is imminent. It will be initiated by your partner when they feel like it.
But it’s up to you - afterward, you can still come here, and
we’ll find a solution anyway. It’s just that the situation will be worse and we’ll need more work to get results.